


Juan Carlos Nonato

Juan Carlos Nonato



I started working in the mud workshop mi Papá from the age of 8, where I obtained the First prize for children's crafts. Over time I was obtaining other national awards and recognitions granted by Fonart. Sedesol and the municipalities of Tlaquepaque as well as Citizen of the Year in Metepec. Over time, my personal design transcended borders until I won the Craftsman award in Japan and in 2017 I obtained the "Guiness" World Record for the tallest Tree of Life in the world with 9.6 meters high. All my pieces carry a certificate of authenticity. Pieces can be made to order with the desired theme / designs, which also carry the DO Hologram (Denomination of Origin)

Jumper bordado para bebe en manta rosa

Jumper babies


Leonarda Carrillo



I am a mother of three who came from the mountains in northwest Jalisco. I am part of a group called Wixáritari, more commonly known as the Huicholes peoples, who are a pre-Hispanic indigenous culture known for their art and colorful clothing, yet we face enormous challenges and discrimination in Mexico. As a child with limited opportunities, I made the decision to leave my village and move to the coast; Since then I have kept myself and my children making figures and jewelry in the traditional huichol style and selling them to tourists, wearing beeswax, chaquiras of different colors and threads to create bright patterns with deer, snakes, flowers, etc.


little brunette

My name is Jess de la Cruz, now Morenita Renita. I am Mexican and communication. I love painting and I love to travel. Therefore, I wanted to gather all this, doing something that I am passionate about and fills me with life, and that at the same time highlights the personality of women, painting hats by hand. I want the hat to become more than an accessory in a reflection of your personality. His acrylic painting makes him not despinated.


Luis Carrillo

Luis Carrillo


When the few christian churches were abandoned after the conquest, the Huichol out of respect to other beliefs decided to take care of the statues of their saints, and despite the fact that we have ceremonial centers themselves, the Huichol live in isolated ranches with our families instead of in Villages, which has allowed us to keep our beliefs and traditions through the representation of ourcraft.

Luis Enrique Rivera

Luis Enrique Rivera placeholder image

Luis Enrique Rivera placeholder image


My full name is Luis Enrique Rodríguez Rivera, I am 37 years old and from the age of 8 my parents began to teach me the first steps of the shawl process, and at 16 I began to work and learn all the steps, with the traditional designs that They knew. At present I am innovating new designs of my own, I have made my work known in different parts of Mexico and the materials that I use to make the shawl are articela and silk and all the work is manual woven on a backstrap loom

Lupita Teja

Lupita Teja

Lupita Teja


Hello, my name is Guadalupe Taja and my business is about selling layers with leather trimmings joined with hand-woven. I have 10 women that I help and they help me, knitting all the time since my article is used all year round, because you can use it in summer as an accessory or in winter to cover yourself from the cold. As it is a handmade article and the leathers are never the same, the layers are made with what is in the moment and there is never one layer the same as another but they all resemble the design you see.

Ma. de los Angeles Rodriguez los Angeles Rodriguez

I started working making shawls when I was 12 years old and I started making them small for dolls and little girls, all made on a backstrap loom. Little by little I was teaching myself to make the decoration of tips with figures such as: flowers, eagles, hearts and names, either in a single color or in several colors. I work with various types of fabric such as artiseda, cotton. Today it has become a family business since my husband, my 3 daughters, my son and my 6 grandchildren participate. It is a very detailed job since it took us 2 months to make a decorated shawl, to which we now also sew feathers from different birds to make a luxurious finish.


Mafer Jiménez

Mafer Jimenez

Mafer Jimenez


Mafer Jimenez is a Mexican textile designer, who after graduating from the University decided to be the creative mind that manages to combine fun trend models with traditional pieces of craftsmanship, giving life to unique and different garments. An original way of carrying fashion with identity. I create your own company, to boost and support the work of artisan hands of the states of Puebla, Chiapas and Oaxaca because all its products are 100% handmade.

Mario de la Rosa

Mario De La Rosa

I am an indigenous craftsman originating from the area of the river Balsas in Guerrero, specialist in the art "Tlacuilo-Tlamayekchiwke" which means painters of flowers made with hands. Our technique was inherited from the former painters of pre-Hispanic and colonial codices, with which we have obtained recognition as the "national prize of Sciences and Arts in 2007". For cell phone cases, we start by basing them with cobalt blue, then we apply the drawings inspired by the history of our peoples, animals such as the Quetzal, rabbit races, as well as the Aztec Greeks. In the end we end up with a polyester resin to protect it.



Modesto Rivera

Modesto Rivera

I am a doctor, musician and traditional Wixarica artist from the State of Nayarit. I was born and raised to follow the sacred path that allows me to serve my ancestors, through my artistic and cultural expressions. As Marakame (Curandero), I have been a channel between the ancient and modern worlds, to help in the transformation and healing of our planet, humanity and our relations.



